Basic Hardware and Software
1) Hardware:-
Computer is an advance electronic machine (device) that accepts raw data as input then process. There data as per given instruction. Which finally gives meaning full result (output) and store it for further use. All the kind of mechanical and electronically components which are, we can touch that is called computer hardware. Monitor, keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Pen drive, Hard disk, RAM, Mother board, Computer table, casing box, Mouse pad etc. is the example of computer hardware. Hardware divided into two parts.
a) System Hardware:-
It is the main hardware of the computer system. Without this hardware, we cannot run the any computer system. It helps to run the computer. Mother board, RAM, processor etc. are the example of system hardware.
b) Non- System Hardware/ Peripheral Hardware:-
It is also a part of hardware. Mainly, it is use to manage system hardware. Computer table, Mouse pad, casing box etc. are the example of non-system hardware/ Peripheral Hardware.
2) Software:-
It is a ready-made set of programs, which is use to different task. Ms. Windows, Ms. DOS, Apple DOS, Compilers, Interpreters, T T program, Typeshala program, Ms. word, Ms. Excel, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop, Ms. Access, Tally Accounting, Programming Networking etc. are the example of computer software. Software also divided into three parts, which given below.
a) System Software
b) Application Software
c) Utility Software
a) System Software:-
The software which manage the whole system of computer & also always to run, text, develop new program & which helps to solve the user's problems is known as system software. It is a ready-made set of programs, which used to different task. Ms. windows, Ms DOS, Apple DOS, Linux, UNIX, Compilers, Interpreters etc. are the example of system software. The system software is divided into three parts.
I. Operating System Software:-
It is a ready-made set of programs, which is use to run the computer system. Without this software, we cannot run any computer system. Ms. Windows, Ms. DOS, Apple DOS, Linux, UNIX are the example of operating system software.
II. Utility Program:-
Utility program are these program which are used for managing writing & testing the program.
III. Language Processor System Software:-
It is a ready-made set of programs which is use to translate the language inside the computer. Assemblies, compilers, interpreters etc. are the example of language processor system software.
b) Application System Software:-
It is also a ready-made set of programs, which is use to work different tasks. Ms. Excel, Ms. word, Ms. PowerPoint, Ms Access, Corel draw, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop, Tally Account etc. are the example of application system software. Application software also divided into
two parts.
I. Package System Software:-
It is also a ready-made set of programs, which is use to work different tasks. It developed by Microsoft companies or software programmers, Graphic Design ( Corel Draw, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop), Word processing (Ms. word, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint, Word Pad, Notepad), Database (Ms Access, Fox pro.), Spread sheet program are the example of package software.
II. Tailored System Software:-
It is also a ready-made set of programs, which is use to work different tasks. It also developed by Microsoft companies or software programmers, TT program, Typeshala, Typing Rapid, Games, Q basic, Networking etc are the example of tailored software.
C) Utility Software:-
It is also a ready-made set of programs, which is use to scan and remove the viruses from the computer. It is also manage the files, Folders and documents. AVG Antivirus, Kasper sky Antivirus, Norton Antivirus etc are the example of utility software.
3) Control Units:-
It is also are part of control processor unit, which is used to control or handle the input & output data or information. It is also separate & check the different types of data & managed all the computer hardware & software.
Measurement Unit of Computer Data
Units Capacity
0, 1 1 Bit
4 Bits 1 Nibble
8 Bits (2 Nibble) 1 Byte
1 Byte 1 Character
1024 Byte 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1024 KB 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB 1 GB (Giga Byte)
1024 GB 1 TB (Tera Byte)
Note:- Computer data always measured by Byte.