Monday, February 29, 2016

How To Installing Windows XP?

How To Installing Windows XP?

  • If you start from scratch, change the boot-up sequence in the BIOS to boot from CD ROM first and let the Windows setup program run from the CD-ROM.

  • Place your Windows XP CD in your CD/DVD-ROM drive. Your PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying "Press any key to boot from CD".

  • In this case, It is assumed that you want to install Windows XP from scratch and have already portioned and formatted your hard drive.

  • You will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup screen. You have the option to do  new Windows install, Repair previous install or quit. Since we are doing a new install we just press Enter to continue.

  • You will be presented with the End User Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to accept and continue.

  • Here it is assumed that you want to install Windows XP from scratch and have already partitioned and formatted your hard drive.

  • Now the Windows XP setup program will start the installation process by copying the setup files to your hard drive.

  • After the setup has completed copying the files the compute will restart. Leave the XP CD in the drive but this time DO NOT press any key when the message "Press any key to boot from CD" is displayed. In few seconds setup will continue. Windows XP Setup wizard will guide you through the setup process of gathering information about your computer.

  • Choose your region and language.

  • Type in your name and organization. 

  • Enter your product key.

  • Name the computer, and enter and Administrator password. Don't forget the write down your Administrator password.

  • Enter the correct date, time and choose your time zone.

  • For the network setting choose typical and press next.

  • Choose work group or domain name. If you are not a member of a domain then leave the default settings and press next. Windows will restart again and adjust the display.

  • Finally Windows will start and present you with a Welcome screen. Click next to continue.

  • choose 'help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now' and press next.

  • Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If you are connected to a router or LAN then choose: 'Yes, this computer will connect through a local area network or home network'. If you have dial up modem choose: 'No, this computer will connect directly to the internet'. 

  • Then click on next.Ready to activate Windows? Choose yes if you wish to active Windows over the internet now. Choose no if you want to activate Windows at a later stage.

  • Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next.

  • You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. 

  • Click on finish.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What is Windows XP?

What is Windows XP?

      Microsoft Windows XP OS has been a very popular operating system in homes to offices and IT to industrial segments. Windows XP works well for Laptops and PCs that tend to have more than enough memory and processing power. But, when it comes to OS capable running on embedded targets such as ATMs, kiosks,set-top boxes and human machine interfaces (HMI), an OS which is customizable and reliable while having a small footprint is required. Windows XP Embedded offers the power of Windows but is flexible to be considered for the above mentioned applications.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Troubleshooting Mouse

Troubleshooting Mouse

                Mouse is the simplest peripheral available for your computer. While they are reasonably forgiving to wear and tear, mouse can easily be affected by dust, debris and other foreign material introduced from the ball. Contamination of this sort is almost never damaging, but it can cause some problems when using the mouse.

                A routine clearing will help you to prevent contamination problem. You can sue mouse cleaning kit to speed the cleaning process. The kit includes cleaning solvent, a dust free cotton towel and a can of compressed air.

Shut down the computer:
              It is a good idea to shut down the PC when cleaning the mouse. Any open applications, including Windows, could do some weird things as you clean the mouse. You should deffinitely shut down the PC if you are planning to disconnect the mouse (assuming you have a cabled mouse) from the PC.

Remove the Ball: 
              A ball is held in place by a retaining lring, which is present on the bottom of the mouse. Rotate the ring clockwise and remove it gently and the ball will fall out. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the mouse ball. Tip the mouse and drop the ball into your palm, copping your hand so the mouse ball doesn't fall on the floor or table. Examine the ball for pits, cracks, or flat spots. Make sure that the ball is not lopsided of oval-shaped. If the ball has any of these problems, it needs to be replaced. Spare mouse balls are not easy to get, so your best bet is to replace the mouse.

Clean the ball:
              Wash the ball in warm soap water and then dry it thoroughly with a clean dust free towel. Place the ball in a safe place with the retaining ring.

Remove the dust:
             Use a can of compressed air to remove any dust or debris that has accumulated inside the mouse.

Clean the rollers:
              Notices that there are three rollers inside the mouse - X roller, Y roller and a small pressure roller that keeps the ball pressed against the X and Y rollers.
             Use a clean cotton cloth dipped in cleaning solvent to clean off any layer of dust or substance that may have accumulated on the rollers.

Resemble and test:
              Allow everything to dry completely. Then place the ball inside the mouse and put the retaining ring at its place. Now move the ring clockwise again to close the mouse. Reconnect the mouse ande test the mouse to be sure that it is performing well.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to Keep a Laptop Keyboard Clean

How to Keep a Laptop Keyboard Clean

1. Use keyboard protective film. A good keyboard protective film can effectively reduce the wear         and tear and prevent dust and debris from falling into the keyboard slots.

2. Wash your hands before using the laptop. The keyboard is the most easily soiled part on a               laptop. in order to avoid the keyboard of oil, wash your hands before using laptop, so as not to            dirty the keyboard.
3. Do not be too "violent". Many players use the laptop to play games, so a few frequently-used           buttons tend to wear out more quickly than the other keys. Pay attention to the intensity of your           typing if you use the keyboard frequently.
4. Use canned air to remove dust and particles. If you do not have canned air available, you can         also use a hair dryer to remove dust, but note that the hair dryer must be set to "cool" so that it only     blows cold air.

5. Do not eat or drink near, or over, the keyboard. Foreign bodies can fall into the cracks in a             keyboard, which will affect normal use. Water and other liquids may lead to more serious                   consequences.

Monday, February 15, 2016

How to Clean the Laptop Case

How to Clean the Laptop Case

      The best way to give the laptop case a bath is with a damp sponge. Follow these steps:
1. Use standard dish washing liquid, by mixing it at about 1 part detergent to 5 parts water.
    Avoid using detergent that contains strong chemicals (acid or alkaline). Don't use abrasive                   powders.
2. Soak the sponge in the mixture, and then wring the sponge clean.
3. Gently wipe the laptop's case.

  Ensure that the sponge is dry enough that it doesn't drip liquid into the laptop. Do not clean inside        any disk openings or the PC Card slots. Never spray any liquids into those openings, either.
4. When you're done with the sponge, wipe off any excess moisture or dust by using a lint-free cloth.
   You might also want to use cotton swabs to clean some of the gunk from the cracks

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Things to remember about mouse

Things to remember about mouse

  • Verify all signal cable extensions and the keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM) switch box have been removed prior to any troubleshooting.

  • Verify the mouse is connected to the correct PS/2 or USB port.

  • Try connecting the mouse to the second USB part.

  • Try connecting the mouse to a second system with a working USB port to verify that the USB mouse hardware is working.

  • Try connecting another USB device into the same USB port. If the second device is detected correctly, the mouse may be defective. If the second device is also not detected correctly, the USB port may be disabled or not functioning properly.

  • If the mouse pointer does not move smoothly with the movement of the mouse, try cleaning your mouse. 

  • Verify the latest mouse drivers have been properly installed. Use the link below to find the latest mouse driver for your system.

  • Verify that only one mouse is connected to the machine.

  • Verify that the mouse is enabled in the System Configuration Utility (BIOS).

  • Check the mouse on another machine. 

  • Check another mouse on this machine.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to Clean the Laptop LCD Screen

How to Clean the Laptop LCD Screen

1. For general cleaning,get a soft, lint-free cloth. Use it to wipe the dust off the monitor.
2. Dampen a sponge or lint-free cloth with water. Be sure to wring out all the excess moisture. Rub         the  screen's surface gently, and don't get any excess liquid on or inside the monitor.
3. Let the monitor dry completely before closing the lid!
 Here are some other things to remember.

  • Often times, the keyboard creates "stains" on the screen. They're hard to avoid and even harder to clean off. To help prevent the stains, consider storing the soft, lint-free cloth that you use to clean the monitor inside the laptop, between the keyboard and screen.
  • Office-supply stores carry special LCD screen cleaners as well as the lint-free wipes that you can use to clean your screen and the rest of your laptop.
  • Avoid using alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners on your laptop screen! They can damage the LCD Screen. 
  • Never squirt any cleaner directly on a laptop's screen.

How Get Most Out of Your Laptop Battery?

How Get Most Out of Your Laptop Battery?

  •  Always dim your laptop's display whenever possible.
  •  Always disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when your are not using them.
  •  Always remember to disconnect any external devices like USB drives and external hard drives.
  •  Some people have habit of just leaving there laptop while it is still charging. Please never charge your laptop's battery constantly.

  •  Always charge your laptop's battery fully up to 100%.
  •  Just disable or deactivate unwanted processes running in the background like scheduled tasks, antivirus scan or software updates etc.
  •  Uninstall unnecessary services in your system tray. Disable transparency to get most out of your battery.
  •  Empty your CD/DVD drives and always remember to eject any CD or DVD you have finished playing.
  •  Switch off the screensaver to save some battery power. Always use original Adapter to charge the laptop battery.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

How to Keep your Laptop Safe and Healthy?

How to Keep your Laptop Safe and Healthy?
            Laptop is one of our necessities these days. We use it for the whole day. As we neglect caring about laptops, it starts reducing the life span of laptop. Thus, to increase the life span of your laptop it is important that you must take care of your laptop. There are few things which we all know when it comes to taking care of the laptops but we generally ignore it and thus it results in damage of laptop or its parts.


  •  Don't put the battery on power for long, it might result in battery failure and reduce the life span of battery.
  •  Never put any gadget which emit heat or radiations near laptop.
  •  Don't keep your on rough or unstable surface.
  •  Don't keep any hard or pointedthing near laptop screen, it might result in scratches.
  •  Don't keep food or drink near laptop and don't use dirty hands while using laptop.


  •  Always use a proper size of laptop bag.
  •  While using WiFi, make sure that your antivirus/firewall program is running and updated.
  •  While using laptop with LCD or DLP projector, keep your laptop bit away from fan system of DLP unit.
  •  Clean keyboard with tooth brush or if there is lots of dust, use hair dryer to blow the dust away.
  •  Make habit to shut down the laptop whenever it's in idle mode.
  • It is always better to take care of your laptop rather than sending it to service center again and again. Above tips are for preventing the damages in your laptop and remember that prevention is always better than cure.

Friday, February 5, 2016

How to Buy Laptop

How to Buy Laptop

               Home users are turning to the laptops or notebooks are their PC. Before you buy a laptop for your home of office use it is important that you consider the few basic things that affect on your decision making process. There are different types of the laptops such as for the home lusers, frequent flyers, business users, students, gamers and for performing the office tasks. The portability and the great performance of the notebook has made them essential for our daily lives.
              The laptops are the wonderful replacement of the desktop computers due to their portability, mobility, light weight, wireless connectivity and other great features. A notebook has all the features and components that a desktop computer has like the processor, hard disk, RAM, graphic card, LAN card, USB port, removable Medias and wireless connectivity.
             The most popular manufacturers of the laptop are Dell, Compaq, HP, Sony, Toshiba, Lenovo, Accer, Gateway, IBM and Apple. The following tips will help you to make your laptop decision making process easy for you.


             If you do a lot of traveling or you are frequent flyer then you need to buy a thin and ultra portable laptop. The average size of the traveling laptop ranges between 8 to 15 pounds. If you want laptop for your performing home usage of office work then you need a laptop with wider screen and with all the features of the desktop computer.


             A processor is a brain of the laptop or a desktop computer. Intel Core 2 Duo is the latest and the fastest processor by the Intel Corporation. It provides the energy-efficient performance which enables you to do multiple tasks at a time. Intel Core 2 Duo is a good choice for the processor of your laptop. It provides the clock speed up to 2.60GHz.


                If you require the extra multiple performance for playing games, watching movies and photo/video editing then ATTs new Mobility Radeon 9200 and 9600 provides the best graphics solutions for the laptops.


              RAM or physical memory is an important component inside a PC or a laptop comter. The amount of the RAM is dependent on the tasks that you will perform on the Laptop. Most of the laptops come with the 512MB of RAM. But for greater performance you need at least 1GB or RAM.

Hard Drive
              You need to consider 100 GB or the hard disk as a minimum size if you want to use laptop for business tasks or playing games. For home usage you need to have at least 50 GB or hard disk space.

LCD Viewing Screens

           LCD screens are used for display. Go for 15 inches screen and if you want greater performance then you can also opt for the 16 and 17 inches screen with 1680x1050 resolutions.

Wireless Connectivity

           Make sure that your laptop has built-in wireless connectivity features by using the most powerful wireless technology standard 802.11g.

Optical Drives
           Most of the new laptop computers come with the Combo DVD/CD-RW optical drives. The multi format drives are capable of writing and rewriting both CDs and DVDs.

          One of the most important things in your laptop buying decision is to check the warranty of your laptop. Make sure that your laptop warranted for at least 1 year and you are getting free service and support during this time.

       Battery time is another important factor to check before buying a notebook. 3-4 hours backup is good. Some laptops allow you to replace the optical drives with the second battery to enhance the battery run time.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Operating Temperature

Operating Temperature
               Running certain parts of a laptop computer (particularly the processor) causes the temperature of the computer to increase and sometimes become bothersome (especially when the keyboard becomes too hot).


             In order to dissipate the heat caused by the running of different parts of the laptop (especially the processor), laptop computers are sometimes equipped with heat evacuation devices, such as fans, that can create loud, bothersome noises. This is also true for that motors that run that hard drives and CD/DVD drives/burners. Therefore, it is a good idea for buyers to enquire about the level of noise the computer makes when it runs.

Docking Station

               Some laptops come with a docking station. This is the device that the laptop computer fits into in order to easily connect it with a keyboard, mouse, screen, etc.

               Buying a laptop computer is a big investment. Therefore it is necessary to protect to protect yourself against the risks associated with computer failure by signing up for a warranty. The warranty is even more important for laptop computers hecause it is not possible to change parts (graphics card, sound card, etc.) like you can on desktop computers. Most offers automatically include at least on year but it might be a good idea to take a several year warranty extension in order to cover the maximum number of risks.

Software Package

                Laptop computers are almost systematically equipped with an operating system when you purchase them but some offers also include a whole package of useful software such as office tools, an encyclopedia or even antiviurs software. It is a good idea to keep this in mind when you are buying a laptop.

Protective Cover

                If you are going to travel with your computer, it is necessary to have a computer bag in order to protect it when transporting it with all its accessories.

In addition, it is highly recommended that you invest in a security cable (Kensington ComboSaver), which allows you to attach the laptop to a fixed piece of furniture thanks to the standard notch that is found on almost all laptops on the market.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The History of the Laptop Computer

The History of the Laptop Computer

               In this day and age, computer technology develops so rapidly that it seems there is no end to the possibilities of the miracle machine. Computers, once monstrous behemoths that could dominate whole rooms, can now be compacted into lightweight, portable notebook systems. The laptop computer was likely unimaginable when computers were first created more than 60 years ago, but today it features incredible technology in a very small package.

The Idea is Born

              The idea of a portable, technically complete computer system was first conceived of as early as the 1970s. While the technology of the laptop would not be feasible until the next decade, researchers at Xerox were experimenting with a type of portable computer, called the Dynabook, in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Wurster 2001). The Dynabook was intended to be a type of tablet computer (with a screen taht did not fold down as the screens of most modern laptop computers do) that could run on nearly eternal battery life. Unfortunately, technology in the 1970s was not advanced enough to support this idea, and the concept of the Dynabook was never developed into an operational unit.

Earliest Laptops

               Portable computers first became commercially available in 1981 with the Osborne 1 yastem (Wilson 2006). This computer was about the size of a portable sewing machine, featured a tiny monitor, and could not be run on battery power. However, it revolutionized the business world, allowing busicess professionals to carry their computer data with them for the first time, even on airplanes. But due to the unwieldy size of the Osborne I and its inability to run on battery power, The system never really took of in the commercial market, though it would remain a vanguard of technological advances to come.
Earliest laptop
              The first true laptop computer, which featured a flat display screen that could fold down on the kayboard, was introduced in 1982. Termed the GRID Compass, The computer featured the clamshell design that is still used for most modern laptops and could be run on battery power (Wilson 2006). However, its incredibly high price and IBM incompatibility limited its attractiveness in the commercial market, and it was used primarily by only the U.S. military and NASA.

             To other portable computers, introduced in 1983, would prove to be slightly more successful in the commercial market. The Compaq Portable and Epson HX-20 featured revolutionary changes that would make them much more viable for business use. While the Compaq system required AC power, it was the first portable computer to be compatible with the MS-DOS operating system and IBM software, allowing for ease in data transfer from desktop computers. The Epson HX-20, while fairly simple in its programming, was relatively inexpensive and could be run on rechargeable batteries.

              By late 1983, the  market for laptop computers was wide open, and traveling business people were hungry for improved technology. Correspondingly, this year saw the launch of one of the most popular early laptops, the Kyocera Kyotronic 85 (Wilson 2006). This product was first introduced in Japan and experienced relatively slow sales, but American computer engineers quickly saw its potential and began marketing it in the United States with substantially increased commercial success. The laptop featured an internal modem and several programs designed by Microsoft. It was also capable of running on regular AA batteries. Although it did not feature the clamshell design most common in today's laptops, it was about the size of a standard paper notebook. The computer's low price and convenient portability made it a bestseller among journalists and correspondents.

IBM-Compatible Laptops

IBM-Compatible Laptop
               Despite the relative success of some early laptops and the clamor by business people for more portable computers, laptop producers encountered some difficulty gaining overall popularity for their systems that were not IBM compatible. Because IBM was the major platform for most desktop computers, it became essential that laptop computers were IBM compatible in order to promote the transfer of data from one computer to another. To fulfill this need, two IBM-compatible laptops were launched in 1986 and 1987 to moderate success (Wilson 2006). Produced by IBM and Toshiba, the units were fairly limited in their operating capabilities but they were light enough to be carried in a backpack, could be run on batteries, and included a pause feature that allowed users to resume work between sessions without restarting. While the IBM-compatible systems were useful, they were still limited in their viability and did not experience large-scale commercial success.

Laptops Experience True Success

                By 1987, several laptop manufacturers had emerged on the market, and competition was fierce to produce the first, truly successful laptop computer. In that year, a contract from the United States Air Force for the purchase of 200,000 laptops was up for grabs, and computer manufacturers competed heavily to win the contract. Each company rushed to develop prototypes that would secure the deal, with Zenith Data Systems (ZDS) eventually emerging as the victor. On the strength of the contract from the Air Force, ADS became the largest manufacturer of laptop computers in the late 1980s (Wilson 2006).

Laptop Experience True Success

                In order to capitalize on its leadership role, ZDS partnered with a Japanese equipment supplier that would speed the design and manufacturing process of its laptop computers. Soon, other laptop manufacturers followed suit and began working with Japanese equipment suppliers. However, as Japanese currency became stronger in the early 1990s, the profit margin of U.S. companies decreased, and many manufacturers began to turn to turn to Taiwan as the major source of equipment (Wurster 2001). Companies that formed partnerships with Taiwanese suppliers (including Dell, Gateway, and Micron) quickly began to rise to leadership positions in the laptop market. By this time, laptop computers had become quite popular among business people, and suppliers rushed to furnish the growing market with lighter, faster, and more viable machines.

Apple Enters the Market

               Apple Inc., while quite prominent in the desktop computer market during the 1980s, was relatively slow entering the market of laptop computers. It was not until 1989 that the company released its first portable computer, the Macintosh Portable (Wilson 2006). The computer was praised for its incredibly clear display and long battery life, but it was too bulky and heavy to be truly competitive with other available laptop computers. Because Apple had not yet provided a truly successful Macintosh laptop, several other suppliers began producing compatible machines; however, copyright law required that the user of one of these laptops must also purchase a new or used Macintosh computer to supply the necessary Mac ROM images.
Apple Laptop

              While Apple was slow to enter the market and was unable to provide a truly successful laptop moodel on its first attempt, the company's 1991 PowerBook series revolutionized laptop technology. Computers in the series were the vanguard of several standard features in today's laptop computers, including the placement of the keyboard, the touchpad mouse, and built-in network adapters.

Microsoft Standardizes the Laptop

              Perhaps the most significant event in the history of laptop computers was the release of the Windows 95 operating system by Microsoft in 1995 (Wurster 2001). Prior to this, operating systems for laptops varied widely, and suppliers experienced a great amount of flexibility in the design of their computers. The introduction of Windows 95 as the most prominent operating system served to standardize and stabilize most aspects of laptop design. It was also during this year that CD-ROM drives, Intel Pentium processors, and floppy disk drives became standard features on nearly all laptops. Leading laptop suppliers like Dell, Gateway, and Toshiba quickly released models that complied with the expected features of a standard laptop computer.
Microsoft Standardizes the laptop

              As technology has developed since 1005, the popularity and viability of laptop computers have greatly increased. Improved battery life, displays, processors, and notwork connectivity have all served to increase the ubiquity of laptop computers. Today, the average laptop computer is a far very from the heavy, bulky portable computers of the early 1980s. Indeed, there is no telling how the laptop will continue to develop in future years as computing technology advances.

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